How to add WhatsApp link to Instagram bio [3 easy methods]

how to add whatsapp link to instagram bio

Instagram is an excellent tool to promote your business. Over the years, Instagram has led small businesses to reach tremendous heights with its vast userbase. Like Instagram, WhatsApp is another excellent messaging platform to directly contact a business or person. Wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds if there is a way to merge these excellent tools? You can easily do that by linking your WhatsApp account to your Instagram. So in this article, we will learn how to add WhatsApp link to Instagram bio.

Instagram now officially allows a WhatsApp button to be added to your Instagram account. But this requires both your Instagram and WhatsApp to be a business account. So we will also discuss another method to link your non-business WhatsApp account to your Instagram.

How to add WhatsApp link to Instagram bio?

There are two methods to add your WhatsApp account link to your Instagram account without using any 3rd party tool. A 3rd way to add your WhatsApp account to your Instagram bio requires using a 3rd party app, but we wouldn’t recommend doing it. We want to discourage you from using third-party tools with any of your social media accounts unless necessary. So let’s start with the easy method first-

Method 1: How to add WhatsApp link to Instagram bio using WhatsApp Business account?

This method requires you to use a WhatsApp business account and an Instagram business account. You can use the dedicated WhatsApp business app for your WhatsApp business account. To switch your Instagram account to a business account, you can follow the steps mentioned in this article- Easy Fix “Why can’t I save Audio on Instagram Reels?”

To get a WhatsApp button linked to your Instagram bio, here is what you need to do-

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your Profile.
  2. Now tap on Edit profile.
  3. tap edit profile
    Now select Contact options.
    select contact options
  4. Here, select WhatsApp business phone number.
    whatsapp business phone nunber
  5. If you have WhatsApp installed on your phone, you’ll already get to choose the number on this page. Otherwise, manually type in your Whatsapp Business number.
  6. Now click Send Code and enter the code in your profile.

tap send code
At this point, a new WhatsApp button should appear in your profile that would allow others to contact you directly on WhatsApp.

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Method 2: How to add WhatsApp link to Instagram bio using web links.

If you do not have a WhatsApp business account or Instagram business account and don’t want to go through all the hassle to switch your account type, there is another easy way to link your Whatsapp to your Instagram. But before we proceed with the process, we need to learn about a new feature called WhatsApp click to chat.

What is WhatsApp click to chat?

Earlier it was not possible to link WhatsApp to any other platforms; you have to provide them with your number to contact you. That includes another step of saving your number on their contact list to be able to find you on their WhatsApp chat. All these hassles are sorted by WhatsApp when they introduced click to chat. WhatsApp click to chat is a feature that allows you to chat with someone without saving their contact number on your phone. You just have to create a web link, and clicking it will redirect you to the contacts chat page. To create a link to WhatsApp, click to chat; all you need to do is-

Use<number> where the <number> is a full phone number in international format. When adding the phone number in the international format, omit any zeroes, brackets, or dashes—for example,

We will be using this exact link to link your WhatsApp account to your Instagram. So let’s get started.

This is the most straightforward method of linking your WhatsApp to your Instagram. Here is how-

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your Profile.
  2. Now tap on Edit profile.
  3. On the Website section, put the WhatsApp click to chat link we’ve created earlier, as shown in the screenshot below.
  4. Now tap on the checkmark on the top right of the screen to complete the process.

This method adds the link to your WhatsApp account directly in your profile. But if you want a dedicated WhatApp button like you get using a business account without using a business account, there is a get around which replicates the same scenario. Of course, it’s not the same, but it’s another fantastic way to link your WhatsApp. So let’s learn this bonus method of how to add WhatsApp link to Instagram bio.

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Method 3: How to add WhatsApp link to Instagram bio using story highlights?

Instagram allows you to permanently store your story posts as Story Highlights in your profile if you don’t know. This sort of works like the featured photo we found on Facebook. We will add a custom WhatsApp button in our story highlight section using this feature.

  1. Find and download the photo of a WhatsApp logo from google photo search or any other platform.
  2. After logging in to your profile, click on your profile picture in the top left of the app, which reads Your Story.
    How to add WhatsApp link to Instagram bio [3 easy methods] 1
  3. This will open up your camera app by default. Click on the little square icon at the bottom to choose photos from your gallery.
    tap on gallery square icon
  4. Now select the WhatsApp logo photo you want to put up on your story post and click Next.
  5. Now click on the Sticker option.
    tap on sticker option
  6. Now type in LINK in the search box and select it.
    search for link
  7. Put the WhatsApp click to chat link we’ve created earlier in the URL section.
    add hatsapp link
  8. Now upload your story and wait for it to go into the archives of Instagram. It will happen automatically after 24 hours.
  9. Now create a highlight using this story post. And now you have a WhatsApp button in your highlights.

Also Read – How to know if someone saved your number on WhatsApp?


So we have discussed three methods of how to add WhatsApp link to Instagram bio. If you have any other doubts or queries, let us know in the comment section below.