How to fix couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram? [5 Quick Fixes]

How to fix couldn't refresh feed on Instagram? [5 Quick Fixes] 1

Do you often face the couldn’t refresh feed on an Instagram error in your Instagram? Are you feeling frustrated because of it and want a solution to fix it?

If yes, you are at the right place. Like you, many of us face the same error frequently on our Instagram. Here we have discussed the possible causes behind the couldn’t refresh feed error on Instagram.

You will also find a couple of ways to solve the couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram error.

Why do you experience “Couldn’t refresh Feed On Instagram”?

There can be multiple reasons behind the couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram error. Sometimes knowing these causes can help you figure out the solution for fixing the couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram error.

Here are some of the most common causes behind the couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram error:

Older Version of App

Instagram releases frequent updates of its application. These updates either improve the performance or involve new feature releases. Most of the time the error “Couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram” occurs due to an outdated version of the application.

Thus, if you are frequently viewing and couldn’t refresh the feed on Instagram, try checking for updates on the application. Having a way older version of the app can cause them couldn’t refresh the feed on Instagram.

Slow Internet Connectivity

The slow internet connection can also cause them couldn’t refresh the feed on Instagram. Because of slow connectivity, the feed does not get refreshed on launching or even after you try to refresh it.

Thus, you can always check the connection or try switching to fast internet connectivity to refresh the feed on Instagram.

Cache Limit

Instagram uses cache storage of your device for providing fast loading feed experience. If your face couldn’t refresh the feed on Instagram, the cache storage might be full.

If the cache stored on your device for Instagram is full, Instagram cannot refresh your feed. Thus, try clearing out the temporary files from the cache of Instagram.

Wrong Date and Time

Instagram syncs the current date and time with the date and time of your device. The couldn’t refresh the feed on Instagram may occur due to a mismatch of date and time.

Mismatch of date and time causes conflicting issues in the backend of Instagram. Thus, your face couldn’t refresh the feed on Instagram.

Servers are Down

You can face the couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram when the Instagram servers are down. The servers may be down for maintenance or because of some technical issues. You can check the availability of servers by opening and trying with other social media accounts on Instagram.

Instagram Blocks Actions

Instagram constantly monitors the activities of the users over the platform. They detect unethical behaviors and block the actions of users on Instagram.

If Instagram has blocked your actions, you may see you couldn’t refresh the feed on Instagram.

How to fix couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram?

Now you know the various reasons behind the couldn’t refresh your feed on Instagram. But how to fix it?

Here are some ways through which you can fix them:

A] Clearing Instagram Cache

clear Instagram app Cache

Clearing cache is one of the solutions for fixing couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram. You can clear the cache by following two simple steps:

  1. Click on the settings of your device.
  2. Go to Apps settings.
  3. Select Instagram.
  4. Click on Clear cache.

When you clear the cache, you will be logged out of Instagram. Thus, after clearing the cache, use your credentials to log in to Instagram.

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B] Checking Your Internet Connectivity

Internet Connectivity test

As you know, slow internet connectivity also causes couldn’t refresh the feed on Instagram. Ensuring the internet connectivity can help you fix the couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram.

Here is a quick way to check your internet connectivity:

  1. Find Status and Notification bar settings on your device.
  2. Enable the Network speed option.
  3. The network speed is visible in the notifications bar of your device.

If your device does not have this setting, you can make use of online internet speed test websites. Just type the internet speed test in the browser to check your internet speed.

C] Fixing Date and Time

fix Date and Time of Instagram App

 If the date and time of your device do not match with the current date and time, you have to set it again. Here is how you can change the date and time of your device to the current date and time:

  1. Go to the Settings app on your device.
  2. Find and select a date and time setting.
  3. Choose the set date automatically option.

It will help you set the device’s date and time to the current date and time. Doing this can help you fix couldn’t refresh your feed on Instagram.

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D] Log In to Instagram

Logout Login to fix Instagram couldn't refresh feed

One of the common ways to fix couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram is to log out and log in back to the app. To log in, you need to have your Instagram credentials with you. Here is how you can implement this solution:

  1. Click on your Profile icon on Instagram in the footer menu.
  2. Click on the three horizontal lines on the top right corner of the profile page.
  3. Click on the Settings option.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the menu and choose log out.

Logging out will redirect you back to the login page. Enter your credentials and log in back to Instagram.

E] Update Instagram

Update Instagram

An older version of Instagram also couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram. Thus, you can check the updates for your app in the app store (iPhone users) or on the Google play store (Android users).

Here are simple steps which you can use for updating your Instagram application:

  1. Open App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Find Instagram App.
  3. Click on the Update button.

If you can’t see the update button, it implies that the app is up to date.

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Conclusion –

Couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram is one of the most common errors Instagram users face these days. There are many reasons behind the error. Some of the most common causes are explained in this blog post.

There are also remedies to fix the couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram with step-by-step instructions. You can follow the instructions to fix the couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram.