How to delete subscriptions on YouTube? [In 5 easy steps]

how to delete subscriptions on youtube

Initially started as a platform to share and watch cute cat videos, YouTube has grown so large that it has become the sea of knowledge and entertainment. It has become one of the essential things of people’s lives to an extent where it’s hard to imagine life without it. From boiling water( yes, that’s actually a video on YouTube) to making complex machines, you find everything you search for on YouTube. It has changed many people’s lives, whether viewers or content creators.

Like any other social media platform where you follow people, Youtube has its own method of following a creator. Creators upload their content to their respective channels. If you like watching a creator’s content, you can subscribe to their channel. That way, you’ll get all the notifications for the upcoming videos the creator posts.

But on other platforms, people can easily unfollow a creator if they lose interest in the type of content the creator produces. It’s just a matter of a few clicks. But on Youtube, people tend to forget about Unsubscribing a channel if they lose interest or no longer watch those videos. It’s not because it is challenging to Unsubscribe from a youtube channel but to unsubscribe from a channel; one needs to play a video of that creator or manually search for the channel to unsubscribe. Most people find that annoying and prefer ignoring the notifications.

Since people’s interests get shifted frequently these days, they end up subscribing to more and more channels they find exciting and forget about unsubscribing from the channels they have lost interest in. It is not mandatory to unsubscribe from a channel. You can always ignore the notifications, but the notifications will clutter over time, and you may miss some important videos you like. So unsubscribing is an excellent way to clean your youtube profile so that it remains clutter-free and you get a better viewing experience.

So in this article, we will learn how to delete subscriptions on youtube using a simple step-by-step method on various platforms. Let’s begin using a PC.

How to delete subscriptions on Youtube from your PC?

Deleting subscriptions or, in other words unsubscribing from a channel from your PC is pretty simple. Here is what you need to do-

  • Step1: Visit YouTube and sign in using your Google Account.
  • Step2: On the home screen of YouTube, you’ll find a panel on the left side with all the options, Including your subscriptions.
  • Step3: Click on Subscriptions, and all the videos from your subscribed channels will appear.
  • Step4: From this window, click on MANAGE located at the top right corner of the screen, and you’ll get a list of channels you’ve subscribed to date along with the subscription status as SUBSCRIBED .
    click subscriptions and then manage
  • Step5: From here, browse the channel you want to unsubscribe from and click on the SUBSCRIBED  button.
    click subscribed
  • Step6: A new popup window will appear asking you to Unsubscribe from the channel. Click on UNSUBSCRIBE, and this will delete the subscription to that channel.

That wasn’t so hard, was it? Now that we’ve covered how to delete subscriptions on youtube using a PC, let’s move on to learn How to delete subscriptions on youtube using a Smartphone.

Also Read: How to cancel YouTube Premium free trial?

How to delete subscriptions on YouTube from your Smartphone (both Android and iOS)?

Much like on PC, it is easy to unsubscribe from a channel using your Smartphone, and it’s actually faster and more fun to do so. Let’s get started-

  • Step1: Open the YouTube app from your app drawer and tap on the dedicated Subscription tab located at the bottom of the App.
  • Step2: Here, you’ll get the most recent videos uploaded by the channels you’ve subscribed to, along with a list of channels in the top part of the screen. Tap on the ALL button to reveal the subscribed channel list.
    Click all button
  • Step3: From here, tap on MANAGE, and you’ll get the list of channels you’ve subscribed sorted by Most relevant. You can also sort the channel list by New activity or from A-Z.
    tap manage
  • Step4: Once you sort the channel by your liking, the fun part begins. Locate the channels you want to Unsubscribe and swipe right in them. This will give you an Unsubscribe button.
  • Step5: Tap on Unsubscribe for each one, and it will delete the channels from your subscription list.
    tap unsubscribe

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How to delete subscriptions on Youtube from your iPad?

Deleting subscriptions from an iPad is similar to an android phone but you don’t have the option to swipe left and unsubscribe. Instead, you need to click on the channel name one by one and unsubscribe from the channel page. let’s see-

  • Open the Youtube App on your iPad and tap on the subscription tab from the bottom of the screen. This will give you a list of all the recent videos from all your subscribed channels, along with a panel with the channel names on the left side.
  • From the left panel, tap on the channel name you wish to unsubscribe.
  • Now from the top right of the screen tap on the button which says SUBSCRIBED This action will unsubscribe from the channel Instantly.
    ipad unsubscribe

That’s all there is to how to delete subscriptions on YouTube. If you found this post helpful, do let us know in the comment section below. Other queries and feedbacks are also welcome.