How to cancel Youtube Premium free trial?

how to cancel youtube premium free trial

In this article, we will learn how to cancel YouTube Premium free trial from your PC, your android smartphone, and your iPhone in step-by-step instructions.

YouTube, initially started as a platform to share and watch cute cat videos, has grown so large that it has become the sea of knowledge and entertainment. It has become one of the essential things of people’s lives to an extent where it’s hard to imagine life without it. From boiling water( yes, that’s actually a video on YouTube) to making complex machines, you find everything you search for on YouTube. It has changed many people’s life whether he/she is a viewer or a content creator.

YouTube provided a way to make a living out of creating YouTube videos by monetizing them via ads. While having ads is beneficial to the creators, but on the other hand, it is not very pleasant for a viewer. Especially since nowadays, YouTube just started pushing more and more ads down our throats. For example, earlier, we got one ad at the beginning of a 10-minute video, which was skippable after 5 seconds. Now there are two ads in the beginning, and sometimes those are unskippable, and on top of that, you get more ads in between and at the end of the video.

So what’s the solution to all these annoyances, you ask? The answer is YouTube Premium. But, of course, that’s not the only benefit YouTube Premium offers; there are other nifty features. We have listed them below so you can ultimately decide whether to keep the services or not.

Key Benefits of YouTube Premium

YouTube Premium is fully packed with features.  Some of its key features are

  • Ad-free videos: With YouTube Premium, you can watch millions of videos without interruptions by ads before and during a video, including video overlay ads. You will also not see third-party banner ads and search ads.
  • Download videos to watch offline: Download videos and playlists to watch offline when you aren’t connected to the internet. You can download videos to watch offline using the YouTube or YouTube Music app (and watch auto-downloaded videos in the YouTube Kids app) if these apps are available in your location and you’re signed in with your YouTube Premium account.

    Note: Downloading videos and playlists to watch offline is not available on computer and laptop devices.

  • Play in the background: Keep videos playing when using other apps in the picture in picture mode or when your screen is off.
  • YouTube Music Premium:
    You also get access to YouTube Music Premium as part of your benefits. With YouTube Music Premium, you can:
    • Enjoy millions of songs and videos in YouTube Music without ads.
    • Download songs and videos to your mobile device for offline listening.
    • Use background play to keep your music playing while you use other apps.
    • Turn on audio-only mode to listen to music without loading the video.
  • YouTube Originals: Get Access to unlimited YouTube Original content. Watch all YouTube Originals series and movies from some of YouTube’s biggest creators right when they’re released, and at no extra cost.

You can get all these benefits at $11.99 per month. But if you want to try YouTube Premium for free, they themselves provide a one-month free trial. So if you don’t like it, you can opt out. But as we know with any free trial policy, to avail benefits of that one-month free trial, you have to give your credit card details. And if you don’t like the services afterward and forget to cancel the subscription before the free trial period ends, you’ll be charged 12$ immediately, and that is irreversible, which means you don’t get any refunds. You can continue to use the services for another month for that 12 dollars.

So to make sure you don’t get into that mess and don’t have to pay a single penny for something you don’t like, we have come up with this article on how to cancel YouTube Premium free trial. So let’s begin-

How to cancel YouTube Premium free trial?

Depending on the device you are the process will be slightly different. So let’s discuss how to cancel YouTube Premium free trial one by one for each platform.

A] How to cancel YouTube Premium free trial from your PC?

To cancel YouTube Premium from your PC, follow these exact steps –

  • Step1: Open your preferred browser and log in with your account on YouTube.
  • Step2: Click on your profile picture from the top right corner and select Purchases and Memberships.
    go to purchases and memberships
  • Step3: On the next screen on the Premium tab, click on Manage membership to expand the tab.
    click on manage membership to expand the window
  • Step4: Now, from here, next to active membership, click on Deactivate button.
    go to premium and select deactivate
  • Step5: Here, you’ll find two options, Pause Instead to temporarily disable the membership for 6 months or another as Continue to Cancel. Click on the later.
    Click on continue to cancel
  • Step6: On clicking Continue to Cancel, you’ll be asked to explain why you want to cancel the subscription. Since you are ok with the free version, I was hoping you could select the reason that stats Free YouTube is good enough for me and hit Next.
    provide the reason and click next
  • Step7: Finally, confirm your choice by clicking YES, CANCEL on the next screen.
    confirm by clicking yes, cancel

That’s it, and your YouTube Premium subscription is canceled. You’ll continue to get the benefits until the end of the billing period. After that, it won’t renew.

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B] How to cancel YouTube Premium free trial from your Android or iPhone?

Canceling YouTube Premium from your android and iPhone is really not that different than the method we have discussed for PC.  You can use your browser to log into your account, cancel it from there using the PC method, or use the YouTube app for android or iOS. The process is the same for both of them. To cancel YouTube Premium from the app-

  • Step1: Open the YouTube app.
  • Step2: Click on your profile picture from the top right corner.
  • Step3: Go to Purchases and Memberships.
  • Step4: Click on Premium.
  • Step5: Click on Deactivate and follow the same steps as mentioned earlier.

MUST READ – How to use YouTube picture in picture mode on any device

So this wraps up our article on how to cancel YouTube Premium free trial. If you have any doubts or query feel free to drop them in the comment section below.