How to change video thumbnail in Windows 10?

How to change video thumbnail in Windows 10

Thumbnail is an important part of a video. It attracts users. It depends on the thumbnail if it is attractive, the user will click the video. You can change video thumbnail in windows 10 pretty easily. Many people don’t know about this and find this difficult. But, if you follow the correct ways you can easily change video thumbnail in windows 10.

Thumbnail allows users to easily re-order videos in the correct order. It describes the video content. If you have videos in multiple parts then you can mark those videos as part 1 or part 2 by changing thumbnails. Thumbnails help users to choose the correct video that they want to watch. If a thumbnail has been put on the video to describe the video content then it becomes easy for the user to play the right video.

If you have downloaded a video from the internet or received a video file from someone then windows automatically assigns a thumbnail to that video from that video if there is no thumbnail attached. There is a way, you can change the thumbnail. You can make the thumbnail as you want. After changing the video thumbnail if you share the video with anyone, they will also see the same thumbnail.

I personally use multiple video players and I guess many of us do that. If there is no thumbnail present in the video then the video player will automatically take any part of the video as a thumbnail. It depends on different players. If you change the thumbnail of a video then the thumbnail of the video will be the same on all the media players.

How to change Video Thumbnail in Windows 10 Using Tag editor –

You need external software called Tag editor. It is an open-source project. You just need to download and extract that. Don’t worry; I am going to guide you through the complete process. Let’s check the steps-

  • Step1: Go to –
  • Step2: Choose this file to download. There will be many versions of the tageditor, choose the correct one.
    open tageditor cirrect windows version
  • Step3: After you have successfully downloaded the file, go to your system folder where it is located or put the downloaded file on your home screen to easily access that file.
  • Step4: Then right-click on the file and click on 7zip (I am using 7zip to unzip the file), then click on extract here. You can use any unzipping software.
    extract files of tageditor zip package
  • Step5: After the successful extraction, you will get a new file that can be used.
  • Step6: Click on that file.
  • Step7: The interface of tageditor will be opened.
  • Step8: Now click on the file located in the top left corner, then click on open.
  • Step9: Choose the video you want to change the thumbnail.
  • Step10: After you have chosen your video, you will be able to see a current thumbnail of your video on the right side of tageditor.
  • Step11: There will be an option of adding an image on the right side of the tag editor.
  • Step12: Click on add and Choose the image you want to add as a thumbnail.
    click on add button in tageditor
  • Step13: After you have successfully chosen your thumbnail, click on ‘Save’.
  • Step14: Close this window.
  • Step15: Now go back to that folder where your video is located.
  • Step16: Refresh the page and you will be able to see that the thumbnail of that video is changed.

Tageditor actually edits the metadata of the video. So, once the thumbnail is changed then in every media player the thumbnail will be the same.

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How to remove thumbnail from a video?

If you don’t a video to show thumbnail then you can remove that thumbnail. It becomes easy when you have access to the tag editor. To remove thumbnail of a video follow these steps-

  • Open tag editor. The process of downloading and using is mentioned above.
  • Now go to the file, open the video which thumbnail you want to remove.
  • If it has any thumbnail then it will be shown on the right-hand side of the tag editor.
  • Then click on the remove to remove the thumbnail.
  • Save the changes by clicking on ‘Save’.
  • Close the interface of the tag editor and go back to your files.
  • Refresh the page where your video is located. You will see that the thumbnail of the video is removed.

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What if the video thumbnail is not changed?

After you have completed the steps that are mentioned above, but still the video thumbnail of your video is not changed; then wait for some time and try again. It takes some time to show the changes. If still not changed then you may have low memory in your PC or laptop. Delete some unnecessary files, I think that will help you.


Changing the thumbnail of a video in windows 10 is not tough to work anymore as you have read this post till the end. In this post, I have guided you through the complete process, step-by-step to change video thumbnail in windows 10. I hope you have learned something new, if so then share this post with your friends and you have any suggestions or feedback let me know in the comments. Thank you for reading, take care.

1 Comment

  1. This program doesn’t work for .mkv files.

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