Are you using a Windows computer/laptop? Then this is the essential guide for you. If you have purchased a new laptop with windows 10 or formatted and installed a fresh version of windows 10 then there are some things to do for better performance and user experience for you.
In this guide, I will tell you the first things to do after installing windows 10 on your computer. The guide is self-explanatory and with appropriate images. Using this guide, you can get the best out of windows with fewer bugs, better performance, and battery-friendly Windows 10 experience.
First things to do after installing windows 10 on your computer/laptop
A. Disable Windows Update –
This is the very first step when you boot into fresh windows 10. Windows 10 updates are buggy as always, and you may end up losing your files, system settings, or windows feature. It’s always safe to turn off windows and install them after you confirm that the update is stable.
Disabling frequent updates from windows can also reduce your internet bandwidth usage and cut the bills significantly. You can now pause update with windows 10 build number 1903.
Go to Settings --> Update and Security --> Windows Update --> click on Pause button
The update will pause for seven days per click. So if you want to increase the days, click multiple times on the Pause button and increase the pause duration.

Please note that the Windows update Pause feature cannot disable security updates, Windows defender updates, and those can still consume your battery. To completely disable the windows updates from your computer, you have to do some tweaking to registries and windows settings, which are explained here in detail – How to disable windows update permanently.
B. Turn off auto-update Apps from Microsoft store
Microsoft Store has a bunch of apps that you can install on your computer. But by default, the Microsoft store has set to auto-update the apps whenever you connect to Wireless network. This can consume your lots of bandwidth without your notice.

Disable this auto-updates by going to –
Open Microsoft Store --> 3-dot menu --> Settings --> Turn off Update Apps automatically.
C. Turn on Night Light
The light comes out from digital screens that can harm your eyes. This blue light is becoming a significant problem for human beings as it can cause many problems. Windows 10 has included the feature that can partly block the blue light from the screen. This feature is called Night Light.

You can turn on the Night Light feature by going –
Start Menu --> Settings --> System --> Display --> Turn on night Light.
You can click on Night light Settings to customize the Strenght of the blue light filter. You can also Schedule the night light to turn on/off at a specific time.

You can also access the night light feature from windows action center menu, to quickly turn on or turn off the night light.
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D. Turn off privacy options
This is a very one of the important first things to do after installing windows 10. Windows can gather your data in various ways when you use windows 10. These privacy options are prompted when you install windows 10 on your computer. But if mistakenly, if you have skipped that window, all options are turned on by default, and you will never know what data you are exposing to Microsoft.
You can turn off such sensitive data sending and location from your computer. Go to –
Start Menu --> Settings --> Privacy --> turn off the options you want. Read the statements, and if you dont want to allow them, then turn off.

Also, turn off the Apps permissions to the individual apps by going to permission settings one by one.
E. disable Autostart apps at boot
Once you install all your required software and apps, you may feel the slow boot-up of you your laptop. This longer boot time is due to apps loading while Windows is booting. Windows has included a feature that can turn off the startup items.
Right-click on the Start menu to Open the windows super menu --> Task manager --> More Details --> Startup --> Disable the items you dont want to start at the time of boot
Ultimately you can follow this guide to improve Windows boot time and make it faster ever. = How to speed up Windows 10 to make it faster than ever [21 best settings]
F. Turn on Dark theme
The latest windows update brings the dark theme for windows 10 users. Dark mode looks very attractive and less distracting to the eyes. A start menu, windows explorer, settings, and many other windows UI turns dark when you turn on the dark mode.
Go to Settings –> Personalization –> Colors –> Select dark color under the option, choose your color.
You can also turn on automatically pick up accent color to colorize the windows as per wallpaper color. These settings make windows UX even better.
Bonus Tip – How to enable hidden dark theme for Windows 10 in almost everywhere
G. Change Battery profile
If you are using a laptop, then this setting is very important and one of the very first things to do after installing windows 10. Choosing an appropriate battery profile is important for battery life and performance of your computer.
Go to Settings --> System --> Power & Sleep --> Additional Power Settings
Here, a new window with battery settings opens. Click on create Poer Plan and choose the Balance Power plan.
Also, from the windows taskbar, click on the Battery icon. You can now see the four different battery profiles to choose – Battery saver, Better battery, Better Performace and Best Performance. Decide what you want to achieve and select accordingly.

Summary –
After doing all these first things to do after installing windows 10, you will get a stable and better performance along with a better battery life of Windows 10. If your windows still lag or consume more battery, then read the following guide to get better performance from windows 10.
Must Read – How to speed up Windows 10 to make it faster than ever